Integration with Kotlin/React?

I wonder if there is any chance some bindings could be written for Kotlin/React.

I managed to get a basic example working, but this seems really hacky:

external interface DotChartProps : Props {
    var data: List<Pair<Double, Double>>
    var size: Size?
    var config: ChartConfig?

val DotChart = FC<DotChartProps>("DotChart") { props ->
    useEffect(props.size,, props.config) {
            .newVizContainer().apply {
                size = props.size ?: Size(300.0, 300.0)
                chart(data =, config = props.config ?: configuration {}) {
                    val x = quantitative({ domain.first })
                    val y = quantitative({ domain.second })
                    dot(x, y)
    ReactHTML.div {
        id = "my-chart"

Given that react props (external interfaces) cannot have properties of functional types with receivers, I didn’t manage yet to write a more generic react component wrapper that would allow the pure ChartsKt DSL to be used out-of-the-box.

Pushing things a bit further, I ended up with this more general approach and it seems to be working fine:

import io.data2viz.charts.viz.*
import react.*
import react.dom.html.*
import web.dom.*

 * Creates a [VizContainer] as a child of this component, which can then be configured as usual to set its size and
 * add a chart using the [init] lambda.
fun ChildrenBuilder.vizContainer(init: VizContainer.() -> Unit) = VizContainerComponent {
    configurer = VizContainerConfigurer(init)

external interface VizContainerProps : Props {
     * An initialization function used to configure the [VizContainer] backing the [VizContainerComponent].
     * Through this function, we can add a chart to the container using the properties and extensions provided in the
     * regular data2viz charts.kt library.
    var configurer: VizContainerConfigurer

 * Technical bridge to allow configuring a [VizContainer] as a React component. This trick allows to pass a function
 * with receiver (the [configure] function) as a React prop to the actual [VizContainerComponent].
fun interface VizContainerConfigurer {
    fun VizContainer.configure()

 * An internal global registry to keep track of [VizContainer]s corresponding to each div's ID.
private val vizContainersByDivId = mutableMapOf<String, VizContainer>()

 * A React component binding a VizContainer to the React tree.
 * This is rather meant as a technical bridge, and it's public in case you need to pass this component around.
 * For more convenience when using it in regular React hierarchies, use the [vizContainer] extension function.
val VizContainerComponent = FC<VizContainerProps>("VizContainer") { props ->
    val divId = "viz-container-${useId()}"
    useEffect(props.configurer) {
        println("RUNNING EFFECT in $divId")
        val vc = vizContainersByDivId.getOrPut(divId) {
        with(props.configurer) {
    ReactHTML.div { = divId